Author: James (the half brother of Jesus, not the apostle.
Date: AD 50-61.
Overview: James was written to Jewish Christians who fled Jerusalem after Stephen was martyred. He addresses the epistle to “the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad.” Although James was primarily addressing Jewish Christians, the themes he addresses still affect the church today such as persevering under trial, not showing favoritism towards the rich and powerful and taming the tongue.
Some key points in James.
- James emphasizes the importance of perseverance when we face trials and temptations. (James 1:3)
- James commands us to act on the word of God, not just hear it. (James 1:22)
- Ask God for wisdom to handle life challenges. (James 1:5)
- Whenever we come near to God, He comes near to us. (James 4:8)
- The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective. (James 5:16)
- If you are sick, pray. If you are suffering, pray. If you are dealing with other people’s faults and sins, pray. (James 5:13-16)
- Greeting (1:1)
- The Testing of Faith (1:2-18)
- Hearing and doing the word (1:19-27)
- The Sin of Partiality (2:1-13)
- Faith without works is Dead (2:14-26)
- The Sin of Dissension in the Community (3:1-4:12)
- The Sins of the Wealthy (4:13-5:12)
- The Prayer of Faith (5:13-18)
- Concluding Admonition (5:19-20)
Week 1: James 1:1-27
Read James 1: 1-18 in one sitting two times and then answer the following questions:
- According to James 1:1 and Galatians 2:19 who was James?
- To whom did James write this letter? (James 1:1)
- Read Genesis 49:1-28 and list the twelve tribes mentioned.
- Read Acts 8:1-4 and write what was the reason behind them being scattered abroad?
- What does James 1:2 tell us to consider?
- What is the dictionary definition of the word “Joy”?
- What does “consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials…” mean to you? James 1:2.
- What does the trying of our faith develop in us? James 1:3.
- According to James 1:4, what are the benefits of having patience?
- What does James suggest to us in James 1:5?
- What does Proverbs 4:7-9 tell us about wisdom?
- If we expect to receive what we are asking God for, how are we to ask? James 1:6.
- What does James 1:7 say about someone who wavers when asking God for something?
- What does James 1:8 say about the person mentioned in verse 7?
- According to James 1:9, what should a poor person rejoice about?
- According to James 1:10, what should a rich person rejoice about?
- How does James 1:11 describe what would happen to a rich man?
- What does a person who endures temptation receive from the Lord?
- What is the definition of the word temptation? Write it below.
- To whom did the Lord promise the crown of life according to James 1:12?
- What determines loving the Lord according to John 14:15?
- What do we learn about the Lord in James 1:13?
- Explain the process of temptation mentioned in James 1:14-15.
- Why does James bring up the goodness and faithfulness of God at this point? James 1:16-18.
Read James 1: 19-27 in one sitting two times and then answer the following questions:
- What does James 1:19 command us to do?
- What does James warn against anger or wrath in James 1:20? And what does anger produce?
- Instead of getting angry? What does James say we should do instead? James 1:21
- How does the engrafted word benefit us? James 1:21
- Please write James 1:22 below.
- What does James 1:23-24 say about the person who hears the word of God but chooses not to act on it?
- Why does James say in verse 24 the person who does not act on what he/she hears is like someone who looks in the mirror and forgets who he/she is? Explain [Read James 1:18 again].
- What does James 1:25 call the word of God as? What is the benefit of continuously acting on the word of God?
- According to James 1:26, what type of person is James addressing?
- What does this person mentioned in verse 26 does not do even though he or she calls himself/herself religious?
- How does this failure mentioned in verse 26 impact his/her heart?
- What did Jesus say about the connection between the tongue and the heart in Matthew 12:34? Explain.
- What does an unbridled tongue reveal about a person’s religion and what he/she does to himself? James 1:26.
- What does it mean to “bridle”? Write the definition below?
- How does God define a pure and undefiled religion in James 1:27?

Week 2: James 2: 1- 26
Read James 2: 1-27 in one sitting two times and then answer the following questions:
- Which group of people is James addressing in James 2:1?
- What is the command in James 2:1?
- Read James 2:1-4 and describe the favoritism or partiality example James mentioned?
- When someone shows favoritism, what has that person become? James 2:4.
- Have you discriminated against someone or a group?
- Have you witnessed discrimination in your church?
- According to James 2:5, whom has God chosen and for what purpose?
- Why is James pointing out discrimination to these Christians?
- Read James 2:6-7: What three things does James mention about the rich?
- Is it an evil thing to be rich? Explain.
- What is the honorable name, mentioned in verse 7, by which we are called?
- What is the royal law found in scripture? According to James 2:8?
- Why showing favoritism a violation of the royal law?
- Read Mark 12:31 and write what Jesus said.
- What does James 2:9 say we are doing when we show favoritism?
- What is someone who breaks the royal law called?
- Write the dictionary definition of a transgressor?
- Read James 2:10-12. How does breaking one part of the law, makes a person guilty of breaking the whole law?
- According to James 2:13, what happens to those who show mercy and to those who do not?
- Why is faith without works dead? James 2:17.
- What is the definition of faith according to Hebrews 11:1? Please write below.
- What does Hebrews 11:6 say about faith?
- Who is the source of our faith according to Ephesians 2:8-9?
- Explain the examples James gives about faith without action? James 2:15-16.
- How did Abraham put action to his faith in God? James 2:21-22 Note: Read Romans 4:1-5 and Genesis 22: 1-14
- Why was Abraham called the friend of God? James 2:23
- How did Rahab show her faith? James 2:25
- Read Joshua chapter 2 to learn more about Rahab’s actions and how her faith became a blessing to her and her family.
- Please write below an explanation of your understanding of James 2:26.

Week 3: James 3: 1- 18
Read James 3: 1-18 in one sitting two times and then answer the following questions:
- Why does James suggest many should not be teachers of the word? James 3:1
- Why do you think those who teach the word will be judged more strictly than other believers? James 3:1
- According to James 3:2, what comes with being human?
- According to the illustration in James 3:3, what small thing when put in a horse’s mouth turns its whole body?
- According to the illustration in James 3:4, what small thing turns a ship around to make it get to its destination?
- According to James 3:5, what little member of the body has the power to impact your life based on how you use it?
- Write below things mentioned in James 3:5-6 about the tongue?
- How does the tongue or the negative words we speak affect the body? James 3:6
- What is the force behind the tongue or the words that set fire in a person’s life? James 3:6
- Please copy James 3:5-6, in the New International Version.
- Based on what you have read so far, do you think the words you speak affect your life negatively or positively based on what you talk about all the time? [For example: “I am ugly; I am broke; I am stupid; I am fat; I am always sick; people hate me; one thing after another; I always catch a cold in winter…”
- Read and copy below Proverbs 18:21
- According to Matthew 12:34, how can you know a person’s heart?
- According to James 3:8, why can’t we tame the tongue?
- Please read James 3:9-12 and write below how James points out the hypocrisy in some Christians?
- Why is slander grievous to God’s heart? James 3:9
- Have you ever said many negative things about someone to others? Now that you know the power of your words, are you going to pay more attention to what you talk about?
- Have you or do you know someone whose life got destroyed because of gossip? [Note: James 3:5b, NIV, “Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.”] The tongue is a small part of the body yet it can destroy a person’s life forever.
- Why do you think some Christians struggle with gossip? [ Could it be because of a lack of God’s word in their hearts?]
- Read Colossians 3:16 and write below what it says to you?
- According to James 3:13, how does a wise person show his or her wisdom?
- What two negative attitudes does James point out in James 3:14? And what does he say about them?
- According to James 3:15, what is the source of the character traits mentioned in James 3:14? And what three things does James say about them?
- What happens when envy and selfish ambition exist? James 3:16
- List the 8 things in James 3:17 describing the wisdom that comes from heaven.
- What do the peacemakers who sow in peace harvest? James 3:18
- What is the advice in Romans 12:18?

Week 4: James 4: 1- 17
Read James 4: 1-17 in one sitting two times and then answer the following questions:
- What does James say is the source of wars and fights in this group of believers? James 4:1
- According to James 4:2, what does lust cause these believers to do?
- What is the reason behind some not having the things they want in life? James 4:2
- According to James 4:3, what is the reason for not getting their prayers answered?
- What are the consequences of having a friendship with the world? James 4:4
- What does it mean to be a “friend of the world”? Give an example.
- What are the actions of the adulterer and adulteresses mentioned in James 4:4?
- What is your understanding of James 4:5? The New Century Version, NCV, says, “Do you think the Scripture means nothing that says, “The Spirit that God made to live in us wants us for himself alone”?
- What does God do for the humble and what does He do to the proud?
- Why do you think God gave more grace to the humble? James 4:6
- Read Proverbs 6:16-19 and list the 7 things the Lord hates.
- What is the command in James 4:7?
- How do we submit ourselves to God? Romans 12:1-2
- What is the promise to those who draw near to God? James 4:8
- Why do you think James tells his readers to mourn, weep, and to let their joy turn into heaviness? James 4:9
- Read James 4:8-10 and list the ways we can show our submission to God?
- Read Ephesians 6:10-18a and write below how these verses show us to resist the devil and draw near to God.
- When a believer slanders and judges another Christian, what does his/her behavior say about him/her? James 4:11-12
- In what ways does judging others make us judge the law?
- What law is James referring to? James 2:8-12
- What does James 4:11 say about a person who judges the law or the word of God?
- Read James 1:22 and copy it below.
- What is the only lawgiver able to do? James 4:12.
- Who is the lawgiver and judge?
- Why does James tell us not to boast about plans? James 4:13-17
- James is not telling us it is wrong to plan the future. What is he telling us?
- Read Proverbs 16:1-3 and write what the wisdom these verses provide.
- Read Proverbs 3:5-6 and copy the verses below.
- How can planning our future cause us to be full of pride?
- What should our attitude be regarding our plans? James 4:15
- What does James 4:17 mention to be a sin?
- Lust: To desire eagerly.
- Amiss: In a faulty manner; contrary to propriety, truth, law, or morality.
- Enmity: A state of opposition.
- Grace: The free unmerited love and favor of God.
- Slander: To defame; To injure by maliciously uttering a false report; to tarnish someone’s reputation by false stories.

Week 5: James 5: 1- 20
Read James 5: 1-20 in one sitting two times and then answer the following questions:
- To whom is James 5:1 addressed to?
- Why did James say to them to weep and howl? James 5:1
- What did James say about their wealth and their garments? James 5:2
- What did James say to the rich oppressors about their gold, silver, and hoarding? James 5:3
- How could the corrosion of their gold and silver serve as a witness against them? James 5:3
- According to James 5:4, why were the workers/harvesters crying?
- Who hears the cries of the workers/harvesters? James 5:4
- List the accusations mentioned in James 5:5-6 against the rich oppressors?
- Have you ever experienced or seen this injustice by the rich against the poor? What is your thought on this injustice?
- Do you think God cares for the people who are mistreated?
- What does James admonish these Christian believers to do in James 5:7?
- Why did James tell the believers to establish their hearts in James 5:8?
- Read Psalm 112:7-8 KJV. What are the actions of someone with an established heart?
- What command does James give in verse 9 and why?
- Why does having a grudge against the brethren worthy of judgment? [ Does this have to do with the law of liberty-of loving your neighbor as yourself?] Please explain.
- Whom does James use as an example of suffering and patience in James 5:10?
- Whom does James use as an example in verse 11?
- What is the command in James 5:12 and what is the consequence of not following this command?
- Read James 5:13-14 and fill out the table below:
James’ Questions | What is the response? |
Is any among you afflicted? | |
Is any merry? | |
Is any sick among you? |
- According to James 5:15, what kind of prayer will heal the sick?
- How did Jesus explain the prayer of faith in Mark 11:24
- What three things will the Lord do as the result of the prayer of faith mentioned in James 5:15?
- What does James tell believers to do in James 5:16?
- What happens when believers pray for one another? James 5:16
- What does James 5:16 say about the prayer of the righteous?
- What does James 5:17-18 say about Elijah’s prayer?
- Why do you think James mentioned Elijah’s prayer to these believers?
- What are believers supposed to do when a believer strays from the Truth of God’s word? James 5:19
- According to James 5:20, what happens when we convert a sinner from the error of his way?

Can you pls send me this study? Book of James is one of my favs! Th so much!
Hello Kate,
I emailed you the link for James workbook.
I would love to get all your study workbooks.
Hello Kate,
I emailed you the links.
Hi! Can I get a printable handout??
Could I have the printable version of the James Bible Study? Thank you for doing this! God Bless!
Hello Mandy,
I emailed you the link for the James workbook.
God Bless you.
Would you please email the link also. Thank you!
Hello Ashley,
I emailed you the link.
Could I get a printable version of the James Bible Study workbook?
Thank you,
I would like the link to the study of James. Thank you
Hello Shari,
I emailed the link for the James Workbook.
God Bless you.
How can I get printable or hard copies of these studies. I was able to print the on for Proverbs but not the other ones.
Thank you, as someone who is committed to study the Bible I found these so helpful.
Hello Evelyn,
I emailed you the links for the Bible study workbooks.
Would you please email me the printable version of this study?
Thank you,
Hello Tracy,
I emailed you the link for the James workbook.
Hello! I’m currently doing a study of James. Would you be willing to share a printable copy of your study?
Thank you.
Hello Patsy,
I emailed you the link so you can access the workbook.
Hi my name is Monica
Can you send me a printable copy of the workbook. It is for my small group bible study.
Thank you in advance!
Hello Monica,
I emailed you the link so you can access the James Bible study workbook.
God bless you,
I would like a printable version
Hello Vickie,
Thanks for your interest in the James Bible study workbook.
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Could I have a printable version of this study?
Hello Kristy,
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you can access it.
God bless you,
May I have a printable version sent to me?
Thank you
Hello Romona,
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In Christ,
May I have a printable version emailed?
Hello Christine,
Thank you for your interest in the James Bible study workbook.
I emailed you the link so you can access it!
Could you email me a printable version?
Hello Kelli,
Thank you for your interest in the workbook.
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Hello! I would love to be able to print the Bible study! Can you send it to me via email?
Hello Becky,
Thank you for your interest in the James Bible Study workbook.
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God Bless you.
I love this study. Would I be able to get the printable version, please?!
Thank you!
Hello Kelsey,
Thank you for your interest in our free James Bible study workbook.
I emailed you the link so you can access the workbook.
God bless you.
May I have a printable version sent to my email please.
Hello Dani,
Thank you for your interest in the Bible study. I just emailed you the link so you can access the workbook.
Hello, could I please have a printable copy? I would like to do this study with my family.
Hello Ann,
Thank you for your interest in the workbook.
I emailed you the link.
God bless you.
Could i have a printable version sent to me please?
Hello Sara,
I sent you the link.
I love the book of James. I would love to be able to print this. You make it so easy to understand. Thank you and God bless.
Hello Debbie,
I emailed you the link for James Bible study workbook.
Hello my name is Darlene I have a small Bible group and I was wondering are we supposed to print your lesson out on James or you will send a workbook or work sheets this is my first time on this site thank you
Hello Darlene,
Thank you for your interest in the James Bible study. I emailed you the link to download the free workbook.
God Bless you.
My daughters and I just started doing the James study. My oldest who does not like any type of bible study, just told me she loves this study! She can actually understand it. She also loves how it is broken down verse by verse.
Thank you so much.
Hello, Vanessa,
Thank you for sharing this great news with me. I really appreciate it. You blessed my heart.
God bless you and your daughters!